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20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024 09:59
16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011 01:57

DVBViewer Pro 4.9, νέα έκδοση

Γράφει: Σωτήρης Χατζηστρατής
66f2a9f66e48d837f8d9568e3aa7d8b3 XL a7277ad2

Κυκλοφόρησε απόψε η νέα έκδοση 4.9 του DVBViewer Pro για κάρτες DVB. H νέα έκδοση είναι διαθέσιμη στους νόμιμους χρήστες του προγράμματος στην ιστοσελίδα:

Η έκδοση 4.9 του DVBViewer Pro περιλαμβάνει τις παρακάτω αλλαγές και διορθώσεις bug:

Add: TOT data generated by the system time
Add: Audio play states are now handled by the MHEG engine
Add: Video play states are now handled by the MHEG engine
Add: partially support for online content like BBC iPlayer
Fix: Volume control of the MHEG engine should work correctly
Fix: Interactive language is now send to the MHEG application correctly
Add: PVR Bookings are send/read to/from the VCR

Video On Demand Filter
Add: Youtube support (youtube://[youtubeid])
Add: Vimeo support (vimeo://[vimeoid])
Fix: Improved Playback and buffering of all kind of audio and video streams
Add: Better Icecast/Shoutcast detection
Removed: LastFM support

Add: Playback Presets by Griga. Presets are used to offer a more flexible way to select codecs and splitters for specific file formats. Note: selecting a Videorenderer inside these preset files is NOT supported.
Some example presets are in the [app-folder]GraphPresets_Samples. You need to copy them into the [configuration folder]GraphPresets folder and adjust the filter IDs and/or make sure you have the fitting filters/splitters installed.
Add: Playback: Added CD and WAV playback via the DVBSource Filter.
Change: Program: Saving of the windows positions is now handled a little better.
Fix: Program: The position of dialog windows was sometimes incorrect.
Add: Playback: Playback of ts/mp3/wav streams from a http source (Recording Service) via the DVBSource filter added. Use the “Open URL” dialog. Needs the current version of the Recording Service.
Fix: Installation: A clean installation with no channel list as a Recording Service client could deactivate all timers in the Recording Service.
Fix: Program Start: under certain circumstances a renderer error message could delay the program start up to 20 seconds.
Fix: Recordings: If adjust PAT/PMT was activated and the SID of a channel was wrong, no Audio/Videodata was written. Now adjust PAT/PMT is deactivated if the SID doesn’t match. careful this might cause problems with other hard/Software. Make sure the SID of a channel is always correct.
Change: Rewritten and optimized the code for (debug)Logfile writing.
Fix: Settings: Changes to Auto detect Audio/Video weren’t saved anymore.
Updated to current sqlite3 version.
Updated the DVBViewer Filter.
Several corrections and optimizations.
Language files updated.

Add: Skystar USB HD with WDM driver: Enabled Diseqc 1.2 for this device.
Add: BDA: DiSEqC support for DVBSky devices added.
Add: BDA: Detection of Digital Devices Cine CT V6 devices added.
Add: BDA: Reworked the detection of Turbosight devices. You might have to do a manual hardware search in the options.
Add: BDA: Cinergy HTC Stick detection added.
Change: BDA: New option for EMPIA compatible devices in DVB-C mode in the hardware Options: “Force Auto Modulation”. Changing this value might help if channel changes are very slow.
Add: Support for Hauppauge PVR devices

Κυκλοφόρησε απόψε η νέα έκδοση 4.9 του DVBViewer Pro για κάρτες DVB. H νέα έκδοση είναι διαθέσιμη στους νόμιμους χρήστες του προγράμματος στην ιστοσελίδα:

Η έκδοση 4.9 του DVBViewer Pro περιλαμβάνει τις παρακάτω αλλαγές και διορθώσεις bug:

Add: TOT data generated by the system time
Add: Audio play states are now handled by the MHEG engine
Add: Video play states are now handled by the MHEG engine
Add: partially support for online content like BBC iPlayer
Fix: Volume control of the MHEG engine should work correctly
Fix: Interactive language is now send to the MHEG application correctly
Add: PVR Bookings are send/read to/from the VCR

Video On Demand Filter
Add: Youtube support (youtube://[youtubeid])
Add: Vimeo support (vimeo://[vimeoid])
Fix: Improved Playback and buffering of all kind of audio and video streams
Add: Better Icecast/Shoutcast detection
Removed: LastFM support

Add: Playback Presets by Griga. Presets are used to offer a more flexible way to select codecs and splitters for specific file formats. Note: selecting a Videorenderer inside these preset files is NOT supported.
Some example presets are in the [app-folder]GraphPresets_Samples. You need to copy them into the [configuration folder]GraphPresets folder and adjust the filter IDs and/or make sure you have the fitting filters/splitters installed.
Add: Playback: Added CD and WAV playback via the DVBSource Filter.
Change: Program: Saving of the windows positions is now handled a little better.
Fix: Program: The position of dialog windows was sometimes incorrect.
Add: Playback: Playback of ts/mp3/wav streams from a http source (Recording Service) via the DVBSource filter added. Use the “Open URL” dialog. Needs the current version of the Recording Service.
Fix: Installation: A clean installation with no channel list as a Recording Service client could deactivate all timers in the Recording Service.
Fix: Program Start: under certain circumstances a renderer error message could delay the program start up to 20 seconds.
Fix: Recordings: If adjust PAT/PMT was activated and the SID of a channel was wrong, no Audio/Videodata was written. Now adjust PAT/PMT is deactivated if the SID doesn’t match. careful this might cause problems with other hard/Software. Make sure the SID of a channel is always correct.
Change: Rewritten and optimized the code for (debug)Logfile writing.
Fix: Settings: Changes to Auto detect Audio/Video weren’t saved anymore.
Updated to current sqlite3 version.
Updated the DVBViewer Filter.
Several corrections and optimizations.
Language files updated.

Add: Skystar USB HD with WDM driver: Enabled Diseqc 1.2 for this device.
Add: BDA: DiSEqC support for DVBSky devices added.
Add: BDA: Detection of Digital Devices Cine CT V6 devices added.
Add: BDA: Reworked the detection of Turbosight devices. You might have to do a manual hardware search in the options.
Add: BDA: Cinergy HTC Stick detection added.
Change: BDA: New option for EMPIA compatible devices in DVB-C mode in the hardware Options: “Force Auto Modulation”. Changing this value might help if channel changes are very slow.
Add: Support for Hauppauge PVR devices



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