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3 Μαρτίου 2011 02:00

Νέα έκδοση 3.6.4 του βοηθητικού Transedit για το DVBViewer Pro

Γράφει: Σωτήρης Χατζηστρατής
8915b4e8038be0e755da33617204e17f XL 5f41b2fc

Μία νέα έκδοση του βοηθητικού εργαλείου Transedit είναι διαθέσιμη στους χρήστες του DVBViewer Pro στην σελίδα Η έκδοση 3.6.4 διορθώνει και ενισχύει κυρίως την λειτουργία «Dead Channels», η οποία επιτρέπει την αφαίρεση των καναλιών που υπάρχουν στις λίστες του DVBViewer Pro όταν δεν ανιχνεύονται σε ένα νέο scan. Συνολικά περιλαμβάνει τις παρακάτω αλλαγές και διορθώσεις:

  • – Fix: TransEdit did not remove channels from the Dead Channels Window when they were found on a subsequent (re-)scan of a transponder.
  • – Enhanced: The scanner searches more thoroughly for “Dead Channels”. Restrictions (due to compatibility with old DVBViewer versions) preventing TransEdit from detecting all “Dead Channels” have been removed.
  • – Added: The Dead Channels Window displays the number of entries and a X mark in the frequency column if the transponder in question deliveres no scan results at all. In case of a TransEdit update you may need to adjust the window and frequency column width because TransEdit will use the previous layout stored in the file TransEdit.ini.
  • – Enhanced: The Analyzer occupies less memory due to a reorganization of internal data structures. Particularly if “Read EIT for other transponders / networks” is switched on the measures may lower memory consumption by 100 MB and more.
  • – Enhanced: When the end of an analyzed TS file is reached, the Restart Button in the Analyzer Window lets TransEdit read the file again from the beginning – useful if a short sample gives no opportunity to open the Hex Dump Window in time. Now, after clicking the Restart Button, an already opened Hex Dump window will receive data.
  • – Removed: Settings -> Analyzer -> Max. Recording Buffer Size. It is handled automatically now.
  • – Fix: In certain cases the Analyzer assigned a wrong network name to the original network ID.
  • – Fix: The Analyzer function “Copy as XML” didn’t work in case of a transponder/file name containing country-specific (non-ASCII) characters.
  • – Fix: Sorting the PID list by service names (by clicking the Service column) didn’t work correctly in case of service names with country-specific (non-ASCII) characters.
  • – Fix: The Analyzer did not detect a certain (rather rare) kind of discontinuity indicating a missing TS packet.
  • – Fix: TransEdit didn’t detect Hauppauge HVR 3000/4000 cards as hybrid tuner.
  • – Fix: TransEdit didn’t detect Terratec Cinergy S PCI cards correctly.
  • – Updated: Integrated hardware data base (version 2.2)
  • – Updated: Transponder lists for Astra 19° East and Hotbird 13° East.
  • – Minor fixes and enhancements.

Μία νέα έκδοση του βοηθητικού εργαλείου Transedit είναι διαθέσιμη στους χρήστες του DVBViewer Pro στην σελίδα Η έκδοση 3.6.4 διορθώνει και ενισχύει κυρίως την λειτουργία «Dead Channels», η οποία επιτρέπει την αφαίρεση των καναλιών που υπάρχουν στις λίστες του DVBViewer Pro όταν δεν ανιχνεύονται σε ένα νέο scan. Συνολικά περιλαμβάνει τις παρακάτω αλλαγές και διορθώσεις:

  • – Fix: TransEdit did not remove channels from the Dead Channels Window when they were found on a subsequent (re-)scan of a transponder.
  • – Enhanced: The scanner searches more thoroughly for “Dead Channels”. Restrictions (due to compatibility with old DVBViewer versions) preventing TransEdit from detecting all “Dead Channels” have been removed.
  • – Added: The Dead Channels Window displays the number of entries and a X mark in the frequency column if the transponder in question deliveres no scan results at all. In case of a TransEdit update you may need to adjust the window and frequency column width because TransEdit will use the previous layout stored in the file TransEdit.ini.
  • – Enhanced: The Analyzer occupies less memory due to a reorganization of internal data structures. Particularly if “Read EIT for other transponders / networks” is switched on the measures may lower memory consumption by 100 MB and more.
  • – Enhanced: When the end of an analyzed TS file is reached, the Restart Button in the Analyzer Window lets TransEdit read the file again from the beginning – useful if a short sample gives no opportunity to open the Hex Dump Window in time. Now, after clicking the Restart Button, an already opened Hex Dump window will receive data.
  • – Removed: Settings -> Analyzer -> Max. Recording Buffer Size. It is handled automatically now.
  • – Fix: In certain cases the Analyzer assigned a wrong network name to the original network ID.
  • – Fix: The Analyzer function “Copy as XML” didn’t work in case of a transponder/file name containing country-specific (non-ASCII) characters.
  • – Fix: Sorting the PID list by service names (by clicking the Service column) didn’t work correctly in case of service names with country-specific (non-ASCII) characters.
  • – Fix: The Analyzer did not detect a certain (rather rare) kind of discontinuity indicating a missing TS packet.
  • – Fix: TransEdit didn’t detect Hauppauge HVR 3000/4000 cards as hybrid tuner.
  • – Fix: TransEdit didn’t detect Terratec Cinergy S PCI cards correctly.
  • – Updated: Integrated hardware data base (version 2.2)
  • – Updated: Transponder lists for Astra 19° East and Hotbird 13° East.
  • – Minor fixes and enhancements.



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